In many ways this summer is an extraordinary one and I find myself trying to breathe through it, and my mask. We have somehow made it through July.
While our usual steady stream of tourists slowed to barely a trickle, masked Alaskans are showing their support of small businesses and are filling our porch, enjoying ice cream, birch syrup, and finding some pleasure in unexpected open spaces. We have a wonderful staff of folks willing to put themselves on the line to keep things rolling for our business. For this we are grateful.
It is a difficult time with silver linings, and we focus on the aspects of summer that provide some normalcy … the ripening raspberries, the return of the salmon, gardens full to overflowing with good food, the fireweed peaking in brilliant color. Harvesting, fileting, canning, pickling. These things keep us grounded and rooted in the hope that everything will be OK – and give us the energy to carry on and to lend a hand where it is most needed.
These are extraordinary times. We hope to welcome visitors to Alaska again next summer. In the meantime, be kind, wear your mask, and stay safe.