The high nutritional value of wild berries is well-documented. Blueberries and lingonberries (low bush cranberries) are at the very top of the list of foods with high antioxidant properties. Antioxidants are disease-fighting compounds that help increase the body’s immune function and protect against cancer, heart disease, and high cholesterol, among other conditions and diseases. Our berries grow in Alaska’s pristine mountains and valleys – often in hard to reach locations, and are hand-harvested by hard-working local pickers each summer and fall.
Our jams and fruit syrups are made using these wild Alaskan blueberries, lingonberries, and salmonberries. We use local raspberries and rhubarb, wild highbush cranberries and rosehips in our wild sauces and syrups. In late summer and fall, there is a harvesting frenzy in Alaska for the fruits of the land. It is truly one of the joys of living in Alaska.
Our wonderful Alaskan Wildflower honey is collected near McGrath in interior Alaska and in the Susitna Valley in south central Alaska, in the river valley that flows off the Alaska Range. It is a true raw wildflower honey, blending the nectar from berry and wildflowers of the Alaskan early summer with the fireweed of late summer. It is fine flavored; light to medium amber with a pleasing floral sweetness.