Just arrived!
Don’t forget to also add some sap bags and spouts to your shopping cart also.
Don’t worry, FREE instructions come with your purchase! You can also check out our Backyard Birch Syrup page for online instructions and helpful tips to successfully making your own birch syrup.
EXPERTβS TIP: We highly recommend using a drill stop on the bit so you can be precise in your tapping depth. It’s not essential, especially if you are just tapping few trees. You can always mark the bit with a permanent marker or electrical tape. We recommend drilling no deeper than 1.5 inches.
Birch sap is a delicious spring tonic – full of minerals and electrolytes, cold and fresh right out of the tree. It will keep refrigerated for several days and frozen indefinitely.
Tapping trees is also a fun and educational spring outing for cooped-up kids of all ages. Turning that sap into syrup is a time consuming, but potentially rewarding activity.
Follow our Instagram or Facebook feeds to stay tuned with our spring tapping reports!