“Homer, a quaint little fishing town on the southern coast of Alaska is best known for its geographical landmark, The Homer Spit – a badass land piece stretching over 4 miles straight out into the ocean”.
Alaska Salt Company’s salt is harvested right off that Homer Spit and “double filtered to remove whale poop”. They tell us to check out their socials for some “salty sarcasm and photos of our unique life by the sea”. These guys have a sense of humor in addition to a great product!
Pair their alder smoked salts with salmon, chicken, pork, beef, or veggies. Sprinkle the fireweed salt on popcorn, fruit, and green salads, or salt the rim of a summertime cocktail glass.” Our favorite use is, of course, on popcorn. The birch salt is our favorite on baked goods, ice cream, or fruit.
We carry three of their unique salt flavors: alder smoke, fireweed, and of course, birch! You can find them nestled into several of our gift crates and baskets too! Try them all!