We apologize, but this feature is currently unavailable while doing a little maintenance.
⚠️ We apologize, but this feature is currently unavailable while doing a little maintenance. If you’d like to make an order that ships to multiple addresses feel free to email us at sales@alaskabirchsyrup.com for additional assistance.
NEW DUPLICATE CART FEATURE: This functionality will allow you to duplicate the contents of your cart in order to be able to ship the exact same cart to multiple addresses instead of having to do this on an item by item basis. [1] Add the items you wish to send out. [2] Click Duplicate Cart [3] Add the New Address (It will appear at the top of the page). [4] Pick that new address so it’s highlighted. Then click “Duplicate”. [5] Check out or Repeat steps 2-4 with your other addresses & the original cart will be duplicated for each address.